IRC log started Sun Jun 25 00:00:00 2000 [1;30m[[0;31mmsg[1;30m([1;31mTUNES[1;30m)] [0mpermlog 2000.0625[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwater[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for water[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mextrasolar [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mextrasolar[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mRead error to extrasolar[]: EOF from client[1;30m)[0m [1;30m* [1;33mlar1/#tunes [0mis away: Sleep[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msimdox [1;30m[[0;36mbhixq576@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msimdox[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for simdox[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mtelenness [1;30m[[0;36mkrme5469@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mtelenness[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for telenness[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbillh [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Hello.[0m 12:50am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mfolyaful [1;30m[[0;36mofmz4184@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0msmoke[1;34m>[0m anyone know what's up with this 199.203.59.x dude?[0m 01:00am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mfolyaful[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for folyaful[][1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m what dude ?[0m [1;34m<[0msmoke[1;34m>[0m folyaful[0m [1;34m<[0msmoke[1;34m>[0m and telenness and simdox and zillions of others[0m [1;34m<[0msmoke[1;34m>[0m he keeps on joining and leaving random channels with random names.[0m [1;34m<[0msmoke[1;34m>[0m never says a word, it's probably a script[0m 01:10am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mhysness [1;30m[[0;36mdxuqr772@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m hysness [1;30m[[0mdxuqr772@[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mAardappel[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mbbl[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mbillh[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mRead error: 3.1415926535 (Excessive pi)[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mbbl[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwater [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwater[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mThe Tao went that-a-way![1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwater [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mbbl[1;30m)[0m [1;30m* [1;33mlar1/#tunes [0mis back[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mlar1[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mRead error to lar1[]: Connection reset by peer[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwater[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mThe Tao went that-a-way![1;30m)[0m [1;30m* [1;33mcoreyr/#tunes [0mis away: thinking about someone[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlar1 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlmaxson [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mextrasolar [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36m[MiD]Mork [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [MiD]Mork [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetSplit: [1;[0m split from [1; [1;30m[[0;36m01:41pm[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m BitchX: Press ^F to see who left to change to [] [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetjoined: [1;[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mKingNato [1;30m[[0;36misildur@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlmaxson [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m lmaxson [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbineng [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwater [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bin![0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mmode[1;30m/[0;36m#tunes [1;30m[[1;37m+o water[1;30m][0m by [1;37mChanServ[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mbineng[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for bineng[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mmode[1;30m/[0;36m#tunes [1;30m[[1;37m+b *!*@199.203.59.*[1;30m][0m by [1;37mwater[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mmode[1;30m/[0;36m#tunes [1;30m[[1;37m-o water[1;30m][0m by [1;37mwater[0m 02:00pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mNo windows for this server[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwater[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mThe Tao went that-a-way![1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmoke[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mz![1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;37mlar1 [0mis now known as [0;36mMojo_Jojo[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;37mMojo_Jojo [0mis now known as [0;36mlar1[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mback tomorrow[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwashort[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for washort[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for eihrul[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwashort[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mircII EPIC4pre2.508 -- Accept no limitations[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mextrasolar[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mxchat exiting..[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlmaxson [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m coreyr.[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m lmaxson.[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m so we meet again[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m Hey.[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m hey[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m I tried the mailing list.[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m yeah i saw that[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m Did I go way off base?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, you could try and give some details :)[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m yeah[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m your much to ambigious[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m I keep running into this barrier.[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m Where am I being ambiguous?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, you in no way cover SL/I :)[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m But SL/I is only a specification language.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m sure, but you're making claims about it...[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m but not giving any real examples of how SL/I lives up to these claims :)[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m No, I tried to be clear that it applied to any specification language.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m anyway, gotta go[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m Maybe I should have just stayed with Prolog. That way everyone would have a reference. Instead I opt for Prolog with PL/I syntax.[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m well[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m i dont think its that[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m you should be more to the point[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m and back up that point[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m Am I being ambiguous when I say that all computing hardware and software is 100% logic based?[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m no[0m 06:50pm [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m hmm[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m try an outline[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m its your phrasing[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m First my timing is off, then my phrasing.:-)[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m I wonder how many on the member list are familiar with logic programming, Prolog, AI, and the Z-specification language.[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m hmm[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m your problems are social[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m Due to its failure to penetrate I suspect they have not heard of Trilogy.[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m I guess I could refer them to articles in CACM.[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m Social?[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m yeah[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m Maybe it's my turn to ask for details.[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m im sure[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m you know what to do[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m just[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m ah hell[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m i give up :)[0m 07:00pm [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m You want private messages?[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m Haven't done that in a while. Give me a sec.[0m 07:10pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m lmaxson [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbillh [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mbillh[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[BX] Yo quiero BitchX[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwater [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;30m* [1;33mcoreyr/#tunes [0mis away: stupid cs1 problem[0m [1;30m* [1;33mcoreyr/#tunes [0mis back[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mTril [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mmode[1;30m/[0;36m#tunes [1;30m[[1;37m+o Tril[1;30m][0m by [1;37mChanServ[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hey tril[0m 11:40pm [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m when's bespin going to have its guts all sorted out properly?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m [0m [1;30m* [1;33mcoreyr/#tunes [0mis away: hupnos[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m what's wrong with it?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m heh[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m seriously, I haven't seen any problems..[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m my shell account spews nonsense and the channel logger is still fubar[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m not that it properly sorted out noise *before*[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m what is wrong with your shell account?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m and what's up with our zope installation?[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m Zope is fine.. I haven't added anything, neither has any review contributor..[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bash: alias: `ls' not found[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bash: alias: `md' not found[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bash: alias: `mkdir' not found[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bash: alias: `rd' not found[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bash: alias: `rmdir' not found[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bash: alias: `ls' not found[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bash: alias: `md' not found[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bash: alias: `mkdir' not found[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bash: alias: `rd' not found[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bash: alias: `rmdir' not found[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m ok stop now[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m duh, you didn't promote it![0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m sorry, it wasn't supposed to paste all at once[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m anyway, i'm now working 7 days a week, so i don't really have time[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m what do you mean I didnt promote it. I posted on the main list and copied to review. I could add on the main page..[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m geez[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m one announcement means shit[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m you who desires signal above all else, should I repeat myself?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m this thing has to get merged into the tunes stuff itself[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m no[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m elaborate[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m discuss details, ask questions[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mHenZo [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hey henzo[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m You think I should post a second duplicate announcement about[0m [1;34m<[0mHenZo[1;34m>[0m hey[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m i just said "no"![0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m I already made all the details clear, if no one cares to reply, it's not my concern.[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m not your concern?[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m Not until it's more polished.[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m you put so much work into something, and you don't care if it gets used?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m okay[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m then polish it[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m Like, with searching and intelligent page-layouts for users[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m ok...[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m that's all i wanted to know[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m not "no one's using it" crap[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m that's fine[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m water: the problem with your shell is that you have a csh-stype alias file, but are using bash as your shell[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m I don't know how that happened[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hell if i know[0m 11:50pm [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m it didn't start until the latest os upgrade[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m well, I think I fixed it.[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m so i figured it was a temporary thing while you updated the configs[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m ok[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m it doesnt give that message anymore[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m if anything else is weird, let me know[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m how?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m mail you and get ignored?[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m Just because I ignored some of your Arrow mail doesn't mean I ignore admin mail.[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m Plus last time you mailed me it was a request to join this channel, and I came.[0m [1;30m* [1;33mwater/#tunes [0mignores that[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m anyway[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m are you finally up-to-date on the mailing list?[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m I guess not[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m grr[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m you're dropping out of the picture, you know that?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m do you know what Fare's up to?[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m I know what Fare is up to[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m I was wondering what you thought about it[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m i'm not quite sure what to think[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m very little of it is positive[0m [1;34m<[0mHenZo[1;34m>[0m Interesting idea though.[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m creating a company to develop tunes, right?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m "interesting idea" -> startup co?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m yes[0m [1;34m<[0mHenZo[1;34m>[0m Mm-hmm.[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m it's not novel by any means[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m It's positive in the sense that he wants to work on tunes, which his PhD work won't let him do[0m [1;34m<[0mHenZo[1;34m>[0m Interesting is all I could come up with to describe it.[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m yeah well i doubt working on a company will free up any time[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m and his mind will be on money now[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m My opinion is if the investors understand that tunes may take 20 years to write , and still want to pay people full time to work on possibly failed work, then fine.[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m I agree, he will need other people to handle business work if he is to concentrate on R&D[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m yeah that's fine, but it's also just in france[0m [1;34m<[0mHenZo[1;34m>[0m Yeah that'd be nice.[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m well... i am not sure of that[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m either way, i see it as cutting me out[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m I think he the best source of funding is companies like VA linux, who already sponsor lots of open source projects[0m [1;34m<[0mTril[1;34m>[0m water: I was under the impression you refused to work with Fare, anyway..[0m [1;34m<[0mHenZo[1;34m>[0m Yes, but would they sponsor another? [0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m so?[0m [1;30m[[0;31mmsg[1;30m([1;31mTUNES[1;30m)] [0mnewlog 2000.0626[0m IRC log ended Mon Jun 26 00:00:01 2000